Drive-in Shelving

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The Drive-in system is widely used in cold chambers, refrigeration or freezers, which need to maximize the storage space of its products in a controlled temperature. USE The Drive-in system was designed for the storage of homogeneous products, with a great quantity of pallets by reference. This installation is composed by a set of shelves, which form internal loading corridors, with supporting rails for the pallets. The forklifts enter these internal corridors with the load elevated above the level in which will be deposited. Each loading corridor has support railings on both sides, laid in different levels, over which the pallets are deposited. The elevated resistance of the material which forms these types of shelves allows the storage of great capacity pallets. In a general view, this compact system allows a number of references identical to the number of loading corridors that exist.

  • Storage equipment and systems
  • industrial shelving
  • metal shelving
  • metal shelves for warehouses

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3754-909 Águeda - Portugal
