Sigma Platforms

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These shelves make the most of the useful height of a given location, doubling or tripling its surface and transforming it in a storage area. The installation of a platform is the best solution to make the most of the available space. There´s the option of using all the available surface or using only the highest areas of the facility. USE The installation of a platform allows allocating that surface to different applications: work stations, components assembly, requests preparation area, storage, etc., even office space. The installation is formed by a raised floor. In the ground floor there could be shelves to store small and medium size merchandise and with largest number of Picking operations. The upper floor can be used to store the bigger volume and less consumed items. The platform can also be united to a Picking warehouse with footbridges as a reception and order preparation area and a lift platform to transport the merchandise up and down from the different levels.

  • Shelving, storage
  • industrial shelving
  • metal shelving
  • metal shelves for warehouses

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3754-909 Águeda - Portugal
