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Acerola cherry (malpighia glabra), also known as "Cherry of the Antilles", comes from Central America and is grown today mainly in Brazil. The 2 - 3 metre high shrub, which needs an annual average temperature of at least 26 °C in order to thrive optimally, can produce up to 30kg of fruit per year. The orange-yellow to dark red fruits are the size of cherries and slightly sour in taste and resemble lemons. The wonderful versatility of natural vitamin C Our acerola powder contains at least 17% vitamin C and a wide range of secondary plant substances. These flavonoids are among the most important mediators that ensure that vitamin C is optimally absorbed by the body. The contribution to antioxidant cell protection is one of the most important properties of a natural vitamin C; this makes acerola an anti-ageing product. Acerola cherries are one of the highest providers of vitamin C, on average 100g ripe Acerola fruits contain 17.000 mg Vitamin C, ideal for those allergic to citrus fruits.

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AMAZONAS Naturprodukte Handels GmbH is a direct importer of acai and manufacturer, producer and wholesaler of acai powder and acai tablets. We offer our acai sortiments in bulk or packed (with or without label). Acai (euterpe oleracea) is a small dark red to black berry, which grows in big clusters on 25m high Acai palms. These wild growing trees can be found all over the Amazon region. Especially during mental and extreme physical exertion, a sufficient supply of anti-oxidants is important, which high-quality natural products like acai contain. Our Acai contains at least 3000 mg polyphenole (antioxidants) per 100 g Acai fruit powder extract. Our B2B distribution supplies acai powder and acai products to traders, wholesalers for resale and bulk consumers in the food or industrial sector. As a producer of acai, we serve the entire supply chain for acai products from raw material sourcing, product development and manufacturing, packaging and distribution to resellers or consumers.

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Camu Camu (Myrciaria dubia) is a white flowering shrub from the Myrtle family of plants, which grows in the west Amazon area, in particularly in Peru and Brazil. The Camu Camu fruit is a spherical berry ranging from10 to 40 mm in diameter and is red to violet in colour often with two cores. Along with the Acerola cherry the Camu Camu is ranked among the plants with the highest vitamin C content in the world and has an unusually high concentration of secondary plant substances. Effects Due to the fact that the human body cannot produce vitamin C itself, it is important to make sure that we have a regular intake of vitamin C. Camu-Camu is an ideal form of vitamin C, which along with Acerola counts as the fruit with the most vitamin C. Unlike Acerola cherries, Camu Camu berries can be made into 100 % pure fruit powder without any other additions.

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Guarana (Paullinia cupana) is a climbing plant from the soapberry family, native to the Amazon rainforest. Indigenous people discovered its red fruit and dark seeds, calling it "warana," which later became Guarana. They traditionally pressed the seeds into sticks, pulverized them using a fish's rough tongue, and used the powder as a stimulant and food substitute. Unlike coffee, Guarana refreshes without causing nervousness. Its caffeine (Guaranin) is released slowly, providing 4-6 hours of stimulation without side effects, thanks to its tannins and fibers. Although Guarana contains 3.5% caffeine, only 1g of powder (40mg caffeine) is typically used per serving, compared to 80mg in a cup of coffee. Ideal for those sensitive to coffee, Guarana is popular among people under stress, night owls, and those needing long-lasting alertness. Widely used in Brazil, it's favored by athletes, drivers, and politicians.

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Maca (lepidium meyenii walp), is a small root bulb, which grows in the Peruvian Andes at 4000m. Maca is a distant relative of celery as we know it and has been growing from time immemorial in the wild highlands of the Andes, a hostile and rugged area which is exposed to extreme climatic conditions. Maca is a very precious product for the inhabitants of this area due to its high proportion of valuable minerals and has been used for centuries as a fertility aid for humans and animals. The Spanish conquerors already transported the roots to Europe in ships in the 16th century. Maca was already deemed so valuable by the colonial lords of the time that they accepted it as a means of payment. Effects: Maca contains important minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorous and iron as well as valuable secondary plant substances. Maca is also regarded as a good source of energy for athletes. As well as the positive effect on physical performance, Maca also promotes psychological resilience.

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Yacon is a brown to violet tuber from the Andes which can grow to a weight of up to 1 kg. From the outside it looks like a radish or sweet potato. It has been regarded as a useful staple food for decades by the natives. The tender tuber flesh is eaten as a vegetable, salad or simple raw. The yacon tuber is similar in taste to a refreshing sweet honey melon or pear. Yacon is not regarded as a vegetable but - because of its high levels of sugar – as a fruit. The yacon tuber is also regarded as the "diabetic's potato" due to its blood sugar sinking effects. Yacon is suitable as a sugar substitute. Reasons: Yacon has a high content of inulin and oligofructose, which belong to the so-called "fructooligo-saccharides", natural sugar substitutes. Their sweetening power has hardly any calories and is 30-50 times higher than that of conventional sugar. The high fibre content of inulin and oligofructose ensures a quick feeling of satiety and is therefore ideal for weight reduction and diabetes

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Moringa Oleifeira – also called „Miracle Tree“ and horseradish tree (drumstick tree) – is a quick growing aesthetic tree which originally comes from the Himalayas. It can grow up to 4m high in just one year and is 15m high when fully grown. It survives in dry desert climates as well as in the tropical rainforests. Its amazing many health benefits go hand in hand with its great benefits to nature due to its fast growing property, e.g. prevents desert formation and serves as a basis of existence for often very poor natives. Nearly all parts of the tree can be eaten. The ultimate goodness though is found in its leaves. Moringa Oliefeira is regarded as the absolute ultimate among nutritious plants. Moringa contains more valuable nutrients together than any other plant does. The high concentration of valuable nutrients is especially useful for people with high nutritional needs like athletes, pregnant women, workaholics as well as for vegetarians.

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Black cumin, lat. nigella sativa, is a spice plant from the buttercup family which is not related to caraway or cumin. After flowering, this cultivated plant develops capsules similar to poppy seeds in which the seeds of the so-called black cumin are found. Black cumin is grown mainly in Asian and Oriental areas where it finds enough sun to thrive. Black cumin is regarded in many places as the most successful natural remedy in the last ten years. In the Orient, the oil has been highly regarded for more than 3000 years as a spice and natural remedy. The Islamic Prophet Mohammed wrote the following symbolically meant sentence in his book "Hadith", "black cumin is the cure to all diseases except death". Effects: Laboratory studies have revealed that the unsaturated fatty acids in the poppy-like black cumin seeds serve as a preliminary stage for the synthesis of our body substances prostaglandin E1 and E2 and therefore have a direct influence on our immune system.

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Collagen is the most commonly found protein in the human body and is often described as the primary structural protein, which gives stability to our tissues, skin and ligaments as well as to our cartilage and joints and holds them together. This amino acid complex (vegan collagen) is superior to collagen of animal origin in many respects Since collagen of animal origin is broken down into individual amino acids in the body after consumption, we can also supply our body directly with all the important amino acids ("vegan collagen") instead of taking the diversions via animal collagen. Since the amino acids of the "vegan collagen" are already freely available and thus immediately ready for use, the biological availability is higher than with animal collagen. The collagen of animal origin can also transmit diseases or pathogens and cause allergic reactions. Furthermore, the production of collagen of animal origin is not sustainable.

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Chlorella algae, among the oldest life forms on Earth, transformed the planet's surface into a green environment. Unlike Spirulina, Chlorella is a true plant with cell walls and cellulose, considered the most concentrated plant-based food. Micro-algae like Chlorella, traditionally used in Asia, contain about 60% vegetable protein and are rich in chlorophyll, giving them their green color. Chlorella is packed with zinc, iron, amino acids, vitamin A, beta carotene, and vitamin B12. Its high chlorophyll content, a valuable sun-store, is believed by some to be particularly beneficial to humans. Chlorella's multi-layered cell walls are key to its detoxifying properties, binding and flushing out toxins. However, these walls also make nutrient absorption more challenging. For those with a strong digestive system seeking detox benefits, natural Chlorella with intact cell walls is ideal. If digestive issues arise, reduce the dose or switch to a form with pulverized cell walls.

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