Over the years, individuals have been encouraged to be active participants in securing their information. However, in many cases, the connection between individuals or businesses and cybersecurity is related almost exclusively to computers.

The world has changed, and personal data is collected on dozens of new devices and types of hardware. For example, a robot that mops your house floor may be connected to the Internet of Things (IoT), allowing you to program and change the schedule with a mobile device. If compromised, it could signal potential intruders when you intend to leave town.

Unlike traditional cyber technology, where issues are software-related, IoT security concerns lie at the convergence of the physical and virtual worlds. Protecting this sensitive information requires securing the devices themselves. There must be secure connectivity between devices, the cloud and data storage, all part of efficient wireless security.

Why IoT is on the rise

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a collection of devices that are connected to the Internet. You're probably thinking of things like a laptop or a Smart TV, but the IoT encompasses much more than that.

Think about electronics that historically didn't go online, like copiers, fridges or the coffee maker in the pantry. The Internet of Things refers to all devices that can connect to the Internet, even unusual ones. Today, almost anything that has an on/off button can connect to the Internet, which makes it part of the IoT.

The Internet of Things is a widely discussed topic because we are only now realising how many things can be connected and how this can affect business. Several elements make IoT a topic of discussion, such as:

  • More affordable ways to create technologically advanced devices
  • The growing number of Wi-Fi-enabled products
  • The massive increase in smartphone usage
  • The ability to transform and control multiple devices via the smartphone

This is why keeping all these devices secure is so important to avoid external risks.

IoT security

Connected devices can greatly improve your business, but everything connected to the internet can be vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Research shows that 55% of IT professionals list IoT security as their top priority, according to a survey conducted by 451 Research. From corporate servers to cloud storage, cybercriminals can find a way to exploit information at various points in the system. This doesn't mean you should give up your work tablet and swap it for pen and paper. It just means you have to take IoT security seriously. Here are some IoT security tips:

Control mobile devices

Make sure you check mobile devices, such as tablets, and lock them at the end of each working day. If tablets are lost, data and information can be accessed and compromised. Make sure you use a strong passcode or biometrics so no one can access a lost or stolen device. Use security software that allows you to restrict the apps that will run on the device, separate personal and corporate data, and wipe company data if the device is stolen.

Update your antivirus

You need to have software on all your devices to protect them from viruses that give hackers access to your data and your system. Set up automatic antivirus updates to protect your devices from cyberattacks.

Restrict logins

Many people use the same login and password on every device they use. While these are easier to remember, cybercriminals also find it easier to hack this data. Make sure all logins are unique to each employee and require strong passwords. Always change the default password on new devices.  Never reuse the same password on other devices.

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Encryption is essential

Connected devices talk to each other, and when they do, data is transferred from one point to another. You need to encrypt the data at every intersection. In other words, you need full encryption to protect information as it is transmitted from point to point.

Check for available device and software updates and install them immediately

When purchasing a device, check if the manufacturer has made updates to the software and always install them as soon as they are available. Checking that it is possible to automatically update each new software version is essential, as mentioned earlier.

Control available device features and disable unused features

Check the available resources on your devices and disable any you do not intend to use to reduce potential attack opportunities.

Creating a secure network

Strong passwords, login control and encryption are some security solutions, but being aware of new security options for all devices, whether connected to the cloud or not, is important to protect important data. Some solutions can help in this regard:

  • Securing the web gateway
  • Secure boot, which is a firmware check before the system is opened
  • Protection from regular updates to your vendor's cloud-based solutions
  • Implementing threat monitoring solutions, such as cloud security software, that help detect data leaks from your cloud-based accounts
  • Using a secure VPN connection to encrypt your private browsing data and protect it from possible threats
  • Setting up a firewall
  • Keeping authentication keys safe

Protecting data storage

From "always-on" storage antivirus protection to on-demand scanning and cloud-assisted security, there are many features available to ensure secure data storage. Make sure these features are in place and working properly:

  • Flexible Verification
  • Flexible reporting
  • Notification systems
  • Active anti-malware technologies
  • A user-friendly, centralised management control

If you can create a solid foundation with these practices, you will be strengthening IoT security. The world is changing, and the risks are growing. Cloud-based and hardware-based storage instruments have your fingerprints, credit card information, and other sensitive data. Be sure to associate cybersecurity with all devices that connect to the Internet.

The physical and digital worlds will increasingly communicate through internet connectivity. The Internet of Things is growing at an accelerated pace and is a promising technology for the Information Technology sector. Any device connected to the internet is susceptible to invasion, so we need to establish cybersecurity strategies so that we can offer the best products with security and privacy for users.


One of the main reasons IoT devices are vulnerable is that they lack the computing power for built-in security. Another reason why vulnerabilities can be so widespread is the limited budget to develop and test secure firmware, which is influenced by the price of devices and their very short development cycle.

In addition to the devices themselves, vulnerabilities in web applications and related software for IoT devices can lead to compromised systems. Malware is seeking such opportunities and knows even older vulnerabilities. Despite the limited computing capacity of most IoT devices, they can still be infected by malware. This is something that cybercriminals have used with great frequency (and success) in recent years.

The Internet of Things came to assist the advancement of technology and make people's lives easier, whether professional or private. Therefore, it should be taken seriously to avoid any problems that may emerge with bad-intentioned people. This is why many businesses rely on a trusted cybersecurity and antivirus provider to find vulnerabilities and provide unique solutions that prevent cyberattacks.

IoT is not a passing technological fad. More and more businesses can harness its potential with connected devices, but security issues cannot be overlooked. As you develop your IoT system, make sure your company, data and processes are protected.