Veterinary test
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The Giardia ScreenVet test is designed to detect Giardia Iamblia antigens in stool. Two antibodies in the kit specifically bind to different epitopes of the antigens. After being absorbed by the cellulose pad, the Giardia Iamblia antigens move and bind with the anti-Giardia oro-colloidal complex on the conjugate pad, forming an Ab-Ag complex. This complex then forms an Ab-Ag-Ab sandwich by binding directly with the antibody of another monoclonal anti-Giardia in the nitrocellulose membrane. The test results can appear on the Control and Test lines that employ the principles of immunocromatography.

  • Medical Equipment
  • Giardia Test
  • Screenvet Test
  • Giardia Iamblia

Product characteristics

Product code


Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

06089 Torgiano - Italy
