Floral Rose Damascena water (Rosa Damascena mill) 200 ml.

Floral Waters (Hydrolates)
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Floral Rose Damascena water (Rosa Damascena mill) 200 ml. Rose water of the Damascena variety produced in Bulgaria from the highest quality rose blossoms. Secondary distillate or rose hydrolate - an aqueous solution of rose essential oil components. A cosmetic and aromatic product with a pronounced scent of rose flowers. Rose water is obtained by hydro-steam and steam distillation from fresh rose flowers. Floral rose water from the Damascena rose (Rosa Damascena) is known for its exceptional aroma and beneficial properties for the skin. This type of rose is known for its soft, sweet and colorful shades. In Bulgaria, there are many scientific studies on the therapeutic and medical properties of rose water, which indicate that taken internally, it is effective in streptococcal and staphylococcal infections. Rose water is recommended for gargling with a sore throat. A teaspoon of this hydrosol soothes stress and reduces anxiety.

  • Herbs for medicines and cosmetics
  • Damascena Water
  • Damascena Floral
  • Mill Floral

Product characteristics

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4207 Otets Paisievo - Bulgaria
