Floral water from Salvia - Sage (Salvia Officinalis) 200 ml.

Floral Waters (Hydrolates)
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Floral water from Salvia - Sage (Salvia Officinalis) 200 ml. The wonderful properties of floral water - from Salvia (sage) have been known to mankind since ancient times: it is widely used both in medicine and in cooking. Do you know about the possibilities of using sage for cosmetic purposes? Sage is known as an excellent cleaning and regeneration agent: by forming a slightly acidic environment on the surface of the skin, which has a beneficial effect on local immunity, it stimulates cell regeneration processes. This quality makes it simply indispensable for skin weakened by microbial and fungal infections. With antioxidant properties that resist the aging process, sage is very beneficial for aging and tired skin. And it is particularly effective in your fight for health and beauty - sage hydrolate, a colored water obtained by steam distillation of sage flowers. Cosmetic use : is a powerful antioxidant, works great in anti-aging products and creams.

  • Herbs for medicines and cosmetics
  • Sage Floral
  • Salvia Floral
  • Salvia Water

Product characteristics

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Domain icon Multi-Category

4207 Otets Paisievo - Bulgaria
