United Kingdom

Warehouse icon Wholesaler

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At ASD we pride ourselves on being one of the leading metal stockholders and processing suppliers in the UK. We are renowned for supplying a diverse range of ferrous and non-ferrous products, sourced from reputable and accredited mill sources across Western Europe. We operate in all major market sectors across the UK and are known for our unrivalled ability to meet clients’ requirements. Our extensive in-house processing portfolio in combination with our processing expertise enables us to deliver cost efficient metal solutions and high-quality steel products. We continuously strive to add value to our customers by investing into digital technologies and introducing innovative eProcurement solutions. Our suite of digital solutions allows customers to stay in control of their supply chain, improves their transparency and helps streamline their procurement process. We are passionate about sustainability and aim to transform our industry by playing an active role in building a sustainable future for our employees, customers, community and future generations. We care about social, economical and environmental wellbeing and have aligned our policies with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Domain icon Wholesaler


Valley Farm Road

LS10 1SD Leeds - United Kingdom


Company info

Key figures

  • Company headcount
    > 500


  • Site status
    Registered office
  • Main activity

Activities of ASD

  • Steel, carbon
  • Metals
  • processing
  • 3D custom laser cutting
  • profiling
Office Building Outline icon
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