µCAN.4.ti-F1 / Pt100 µCAN.4.ti-F1 / thermocouples

4-channel temperature acquisition module for PT100 or thermocouple with CAN
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The µCAN.4.ti-F1 is the universal measurement module for mobile acquisition of temperature data. Depending on the module type, resistance sensors as well as any kind of thermocouple can be polled at an overall sample rate of 4 kHz.

  • Electronic data processing - microcomputers
  • temperature measurement
  • Mobile data acquisition
  • CAN interface

Product characteristics

Temperature thermo type K
Temperature Pt100, Pt200 (2- / 4-wire)
Temperature Pt500, Pt1000 (2- / 4-wire)
Accuracy +/- 0.05 K
Resolution 24-bit (0.001 °C)
Sampling rate 1.25 ms / 800 Hz
Parameterized via set-up software
Equipped with cold-junction compensation Casing powder coated
Fieldbus CAN
Protocol Raw CAN


Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

53844 Troisdorf - Germany
