Walnut oil (Juglans regia) 100 ml.

Base (vegetable) oils
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Walnut oil (Juglans regia) Walnut oil is used in cosmetology to create creams, tonics, balms (for body and lips). Walnut face oil . It is suitable for dry and sensitive skin, moisturizes well, relieves irritation, removes peeling. Antioxidants in the oil help fight age-related changes on the skin of the face. They tighten the oval of the face, erase fine wrinkles and age spots. The skin after using the oil becomes velvety, soft to the touch. Walnut oil for lips. It is best to lubricate the lips with oil before going out in the sun or cold. In addition to preventive purposes, the oil can be used to treat microcracks and flaking of the skin on the lips. Walnut hair oil. The action of the oil is aimed at strengthening the hair. Revitalizes hair follicles, strengthens the structure of damaged hair. After applying the oil, intensive hair growth begins, brittleness and magnetization disappear. In addition, the oil protects the hair from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation.

  • Herbs for medicines and cosmetics
  • Walnut Oil
  • Juglans Oil
  • Regia Oil

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4207 Otets Paisievo - Bulgaria
