UV light sources
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The handheld UV lamps are high-powered UV radiation sources for UV-A and UV-C radiation. They enable the sensitive detection of luminescent substances through their high irradiance. The handheld UV lamps are available in three versions. UV-A and UV-C lamps are equipped with two UV lamps to obtain a very high intensity of irradiation on the sample. The UV-A/C handheld lamp allows the simultaneous or separate application of UV-A and UV-C radiation with the same device. All handheld UV lamps are mains operated and have VIS filters, which effectively filter the visible light from the tubes. Thus, even weak luminescence in the sample can be optimally detected. We recommend our additional stand to create a table lamp and have both hands free for testing. HIGHLIGHTS OF UV HAND-HELD LAMPS High irradiance of ~ 500 µW/cm² in a distance of 10 cm Filters for visible light from the tubes Weak luminescence can be detected Long lifetime Optional: Switchable UVA and UVC emission

  • Laboratory equipment and instruments
  • hand uv
  • hand held
  • held lamps

Product characteristics

254 nm or 365 nm
Max. irradiance
500 µW/cm² in
280 x 86 x 65 mm
~1400 g
230 VAC / 50 Hz


Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

76275 Ettlingen - Germany
