Sled with footrests and mattress - navy blue

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Sled with footrests and mattress We recommend a sled for children with a comfortable foam mattress. They are made of metal, which translates into a very long service life. The mattress is made of polyester, which makes it impermeable to water. Inside there is 15 mm thick upholstery foam. Additionally, it has a single-point seat belt. We attach it to the sled: it has two straps on the bottom that we put on the boards, we grab the backrest with a latch, we wrap the straps around the backrest. The sled is equipped with wooden footrests that make riding easier for small children. For larger children, we can dismantle them. All boards are made of hard, polished beech wood. In order to increase the safety of sledding, the runners are spread. They are solid and durable, so parents can also use them. Assembly and disassembly of the backrest is very simple and quick - it slides in. THE SET INCLUDES: as if removable backrest foam mattress strap for pulling the sled removable footrests

  • Deck chairs
  • Mattress Chair
  • Footrests Mattress
  • Sled Mattress

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42-202 Czestochowa - Poland
