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The compact spectroradiometer SR900 is a high-resolution measurement system for quick and precise measurements in the UV range, the visible spectral range and the IR. The spectroradiometer consists of an array spectrometer without any moving parts and a silicon detector with 2048 pixels. The spectral resolution is 0.4 nm. The SR900 is combined with a SMA-905 quartz light light guide and our radiometric sensor heads for measuring the irradiance and illuminance.Traceable to the PTB, the SR900 is factory-calibrated. A DAkkS test in our accredited laboratory is optionally available. The SR900 thus enables exact spectroradiometric measurements for the assessment of irradiances and illuminances, biological effectiveness and color measurements. Due to the nearly scatter-free construction, a high sensitivity in the UV range is reached. Control and data evaluation is carried out by the spectral software SRpro. With trigger input and output, the SR900 is also suitable for automated measurements.

  • Laboratory equipment and instruments
  • compact spectroradiometer
  • array spectrometer
  • spectral illuminances

Product characteristics

177 x 125 x 45 mm
1.2 kg
< 3 W
Operating temperature
5 to 40 °C
Storage temperature
-10 to 60 °C

Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

76275 Ettlingen - Germany
