Drug Test
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Cotinine Rapid Test Panel – Product code: SC-1019-40 Quick test for quality identification of cotinine (nicotine metabolite) via urine. Only for the determination of smoker status. Not thought for medical diagnostic use. The COT rapid test is a quick chromatographic immunological test for cotinine detection. Also available in the version via saliva (nicotine-s screen test product code: sc-1026-25). Cotinine is the first degree metabolite of nicotine, a toxic alkaloid that causes the stimulation of autonomous ganglia and central nervous system in humans. Nicotine is a substance that potentially every member of a tabby company is exposed, by Direct Contact or passive inhalation. In Addition to Tobacco, Nicotine Is Also Available On The Market As An Active Ingredient of Smoke Replacement Therapies Such As Tires, Transdermal Patches and Nicotine Nasal Sprays.

  • Medical Equipment
  • Test Nicotina
  • Screen Nicotina
  • Nicotina Screen

Product characteristics

Product code


Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

06089 Torgiano - Italy
