Drug Test
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Multi Drug Test Hair – Product code: SC-1170-20 The hair Drug Test is a quick test for the qualitative detection of cotinine, methannphetamines, morphine/opiate and cocaine in the human hair. Only for medical professional use. The quick hair test has unique advantages in the field of rapid anti-drug tests. The hair can provide information on the taking of substances that are not yet available in the long term in other biological samples such as blood and urine. The hair sample is relatively easy to withdraw, to be transported and preserved for long periods of time. The slow metabolism of the substances in the hair allows a long-term persistence, these factors provide better conditions for detecting substances. Cotinine (COT): Cotinine is the metabolite of the first degree of nicotine, a toxic alkaloid that produces stimulation of autonomous ganglia and central nervous system in humans.

  • Medical Equipment
  • Hair Test
  • Screen Drug
  • Drug Hair

Product characteristics

Product code


Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

06089 Torgiano - Italy
