Drug Test
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One Step Drug Test Card – Product Code: SC-0074-25 The Screen 1 Methadone Rapid Test Cassette (MTD) (Urine) is a side scrolling chromatographic immunoassay for the detection of Methadone in urine at a threshold concentration of 300ng/ml. This test will detect other related compounds, please refer to the Analytical Specificity table in this package insert. Methadone is a narcotic analgesic for the treatment of moderate to severe pain. It is also used in the treatment of heroin addiction (opiate addiction: Vicodin, Leachate, Morphine, etc…). Oral methadone is very different from methadone. Oral methadone is partially stored in the liver for later use. IV methadone acts more like heroin. Methadone is a long-acting pain reliever that produces effects lasting 12 to 48 hours.

  • Medical Equipment
  • Methadone Screen
  • Methadone Test
  • Methadone Card

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Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

06089 Torgiano - Italy
