Powder Wetting Systems

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IFA Technology considers your individual requirements and builds customised mixing systems for you. Powder dispersion units are used for agglomerate-free wetting of powdery substances with liquid substances. Our mixing systems are adapted to your needs and generate a vacuum using a rotor-stator principle. This sucks in the powder and mixes it directly in the liquid flow in the mixing unit. Even difficult materials can be processed without any problems thanks to the dust-free suction with the aid of guide jet mixers or rotor-stator mixing units. In addition to the automated feeding of liquid and powdery materials, the complete system from IFA Technology includes a dispersion unit with mixing tank and purification system. The dispersion system can be implemented in batch operation (as homogeneous as possible mixing of the components) or inline (fully continuous mixing of the components). Variants directly in the mixing tank are alternatives to conventional agitators.

  • Goods handling systems, continuous
  • Powder Wetting
  • Wetting Systems

Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

86641 Rain - Germany
