
Hazelnut: The tiny nut-treat
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Productinformation The main time for harvesting hazelnuts is around september and october, in Turkey, for example, already around july and august. The hazelnut tree is a long-lived, small shaped tree with round, oval leaves. Contrary to other nut-carrying trees it shows no signs of blossom in spring time: The male flowers are larval-shaped tassels, and the female ones simply small, nearly not visible, buds. Origin Growing areas of hazelnut can be find in Turkey, Georgia, Italy, France, Spain – and the US. The hazelnut’s historical origin is in the Black Sea region in Turkey: From there the nuts were first brought to Rome, from where they were spreaded all over the world. The oldest document of the hazelnut nonetheless can be found in China: The now famous nut was already known there in 2838 b.c.

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