Liquid dispensing system - DUPLEX

Liquid dispensing system - DUPLEX
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Duplex dosing system - optimised utilisation thanks to two scales 2 Scales in a single dosing system? A demand evaluation of dosing statistics from medium-sized perfume and aroma manufacturers as well as of similar demands from smaller sites of the top 10 F&F producers pointed to exactly that. 2 Scales because downtimes can thus be reduced to a minimum and a larger weight range can be covered. From fully automatic dosing on a small scale (up to 50 litres) to larger batches with up to 600 litres. As usual with FRICKE, the modular dosing units of the Duplex can also be flexibly expanded. OverView of performance data ■ 30 or 60 kg scale ■ 600 or 1.500 kg scale ■ Smallest pour 0,5 g ■ Batch sizes from 5 to 600 litre ■ Fully automatic container container intake ■ Flexible storage desing for raw materials ■ Fast mixing container exchange ■ Unsupervised machine operation ■ Optionally: Mixing station and powderdosing ■ Ex protection according to Atex

  • Weighing and dosing equipment
  • dosing systems
  • modular dosing system
  • dosing module

Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

32423 Minden - Germany
