LATSIL® 550 (S)

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Composition: Precipitated silica LATSIL® 550 (S) is a precipitated silica has very high absorption capacity. It enhance the flowability and prolongs the shelf life of powdered substances which are prone the caking. When considering the use of any Latro’s products in a particular application,you should review our latest Safety Data Sheet and ensure that the use you intend can be accomplished safely. For Safety Data Sheets and other product safety information,contact the Latro’s Sales Office nearest to you.Before handling any other products mentioned in the text,you should obtain available product safety information and take the necessary steps to ensure safety of use. LATSIL®550 (S) is available in 20 kg brick type bags. Packaging sizes can be customized according to special requirements.

  • Shampoos
  • Lubricants & Anti-Caking Agents
  • Anti-Caking Agents
  • Oil-based lubricants

Product characteristics

White powder
Loss on drying (@ 105°C 2 hrs)
max. %7,0
Ignition Loss, On andhydrous basis (@ 1000°C for 2 hours)
max %7,0
Bulk density,Tapped (While material packed)
min. 100 g/l
pH (in 5 % aqu. Suspn.)
6,0 – 8,0
Oil absorption
250-300 cc/100 g
DBP absorption
300-400 cc/100 g
Avg. particle size, d50
15,0-20,0 micron
Soluble Salts
max. %2,0
Iron Content (Fe+3)
max. 200 ppm

Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

34218 Istanbul - Turkey
