Jacking & skidding

Heavy Lift Hydraulic Jacking & Skidding
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> Click on the "WEBSITE" link for more > Our dedicated Team of Jacking & Skidding Engineers have the knowledge and expertise required for machinery extraction and the relocation of industrial cargoes in confined and restricted environments. Utilising our specialist jacking & skidding equipment our Heavy Lift Team can ensure that no matter what the environment we can safely and securely undertake the heavy transport, extraction and load positioning of machinery & industrial cargoes. In restricted environments crane hire is not always a suitable option. Utilising our specialist hydraulic jacking & skidding systems Collett Engineers have the ideal solution for these confined spaces, providing a lifting, extraction and load positioning service in areas where traditional transport arrangements may not be a suitable option.

  • Transport - heavy loads
  • Jacking & Skidding
  • Heavy Lift Jacking and Skidding
  • Hydraulic Jacking and Skidding

Domain icon Multi-Category

HX2 0DF Halifax - United Kingdom
