F28 Light High Speed Leak Tester For Industrial Quality Control

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Without any doubt, the smallest high performance leak tester on the market. One of the main advantage is that our F28 Light module can be mounted close to the test part, ensuring the best measurement conditions. You can daisy chain up to 50 modules and supervise them with a touch screen panel + our user friendly interface : F28 light demo. Specially adapted for automatic and semi automatic test machines, the F28 Light has a full range of specifications at a very competitive price. Packaging, blister, watch, mobile phone, pneumatic and hydraulic fittings Differential pressure decay leak measurement Types of measurement: Direct mode / Sealed test components / Desensitized leak mode Smart pressure regulation without regulator – auto fill (optional) Electronic regulation (optional) Units: Pa, Pa/s, sccm Compact dimensions (overall (mm): h 141.5 x L 225 x D 97) Mechanical or electronic regulator from vacuum to 5 bar Integrated fill and dump valves

  • Testing equipment
  • Light Speed
  • Speed Leak
  • Tester Control

Product characteristics

around 3.5 Kg
24 V DC / 1.6 A
+ 5°C at + 45°C
0°C at + 60°C


Domain icon Manufacturer/ Producer

B98 0EA Redditch - United Kingdom
