Chili Granulate 0-3mm 25.000 SCU Germfree Organic

Chili Granulate 0-3mm 25.000 SCU Germfree Organic
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"Chilli granules Chilli granules are made from chilli peppers. Chili peppers originate from South and Central America. Chili peppers contain the substance capsaicin, this substance makes the peppers hot, so the more capsaicin the pepper contains the sharper the granule. Pungentness is measured in SCU (Scoville's scale). This powder has a SCU of 25000 and is therefore medium spicy. > Health applications Chilli pepper has antibacterial properties and works well in saliva production and helps with digestion. Chili pepper has a good amount of vitamin A. It contains powerful antioxidants because there is a lot of vitamin C in it. Use of Chili Granule With all peppers, the spiciness more apparent after cooking, when cooking, however, the finer flavors disappear. So add at the last."

  • Organic food
  • Herbs and Spices

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48455 Bad Bentheim - Germany
