Boat Trip Ghent: river cruise ‘De Gentse Barge’

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About the Boat trip Ghent: river cruise ‘De Gentse Barge’! A boat trip on the Lys River as from Ghent towards Deurle with a historical ship from the 18th century! Welcome by our guide on a location chosen by you in the centre of Ghent (parking, hotel,…). We start our evening with a guided walk through the historical centre of Ghent, city of Charles QUint. During this walk of about 1.5 hours we will see the most important curiosities of the city: ‘Vrijdagsmarkt’ with statue of Jacob Van Artevelde, St. Bavo Cathedral, St Michel’s Bridge, Graslei and Korenlei and many more,… We end our walk at the ‘Gentse Barge’, situated close to the Palace of Justice. in the middle of the 1990s Captain Andre De Wilde and Walter De Buck took the initiative to realize their common dream: ‘to se a barge sailing again on the waters in and around Ghent’. Because of the drive of Captain Andre De Wilde, this project got the wind in its sails. In 1999 this project was finally launched. the construction of...

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9000 Gent - Belgium
