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BeneSTIM MAXVITAL is a biostimulant that promotes plant stress Recovery. Application of BeneSTIM MAXVITAL will stimulate the plants metabolism pathways and increases photosynthesis activity. The use also leads to an increased nutrient uptake and an improved efficiency of fertilizer and plant protection treatments. The immediately available energy will give the plant the possibility to cope with all kinds of abiotic stress like heat stress and water stress. Also damages caused by frost, hail and wind will recover much faster by application of BeneSTIM MAXVITAL. Good results are being seen with treatments during flower setting, fruit setting and also fruit development. The unique combination of free amino acids, plant extracts and fulvic acids makes the product very suited to combine with fertilizers and crop protection products. The combination has a soothingly effect. BeneSTIM MAXVITAL can be used for foliar and for drip irrigation.

  • Natural fertilizers
  • biostimulants
  • Foliar biostimulant
  • liquid fertilizer

Product characteristics

Dry matter 35%
Total Amino acids 23%
Nitrogen (total) 3,8%
Free Amino acids 15%
Nitrogen (organic) 3,8%
pH 4,8 to 5,8
Organic Carbon 15%
Specific gravity 1115 kg/m3



Domain icon Wholesaler

5613 BB Eindhoven - Netherlands
