Aromatherapy Set for Women

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Essential oil is a traditional personal care product. Each plant has various properties: antiseptic, softening, antifungal, etc. The aroma of the essential oil, in turn, affects the psycho-emotional component, helping to fight fears and stress. Chamomile oil has a powerful antiseptic effect, which is why it is often used as a disinfectant. Clean and healthy skin is the result of treatments with chamomile oil, which improves blood circulation and helps heal wounds and other injuries faster. The aroma of chamomile helps to deal with negative emotions resulting from hormonal disorders: irritability, depression and nervousness. A decoction of chamomile and essential oil is used in the period immediately before menstruation to regulate the acid-fatty balance and strengthen the immune system. Lavender ether affects the cardiovascular system, helping to normalize heart rhythm and prevent blood stasis.

  • Herbs for medicines and cosmetics
  • Aromatherapy Women
  • Aromatherapy Oil
  • Softening Oil

Product characteristics

Mountain Chamomile essential oil
10 ml.
Lavender essential oil
10 ml.
Rose damask essential oil
1 g.

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4207 Otets Paisievo - Bulgaria
