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Our premium lifestyle brand with a focus on maternal and child health armacura based on colostrum is 100% natural immune protection for the whole family. The immune factors contained in armacura have the ability to prevent colds or acute upper respiratory tract infections. The armacura liquid concentrate consists solely of the cow’s first milk. This is obtained from controlled herds within the first 24 hours after calving, as the raw material colostrum has the highest concentrations of immune substances and growth factors during this period. Of course, only milk surpluses are used because the health of the newborn calves always has absolute priority. With a unique concentration of immunoglobulin G, armacura consists of over 400 interactive substances rich in amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and natural growth factors. An ideal natural mix that is free of any additives.

  • Herbs for medicines and cosmetics
  • protection
  • Natural Immune
  • Armacura Liquid

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86343 Königsbrunn - Germany
